Laetitia Kavanaugh

Fun Fact

If I could grow anything in the yard, it would be an avocado tree.

Forest Therapy Practitioner
New York, NY
Therapeutic Hypnosis Practitioner, MSD-Family Nurse Practitioner

Forest Therapy Practitioner, Therapeutic Hypnosis Practitioner, MSN- Family Nurse Practitioner.

Laetitia’s love for nature began as a young girl in Haiti, watching her uncle plant strawberries in the backyard.  In 2006, her stay with a host family in Japan deepened her appreciation for Japanese gardens.  In 2015, she fulfilled her dreams of spending time in the great outdoors through the Colorado Outward School.  From camping in the snow, to the sulfuric mud pits of Ecuardor's Antisana Ecological Reserve, she was able to feed her sense of adventure. 

Laetitia leads various public Forest Therapy programs and aims to integrate nature as a healing modality in traditional patient care.  When not leading Forest Therapy experiences, Laetitia works as a Family Nurse Practitioner specializing in end-of-life care. She has also completed her Hypnosis Practitioner Training with the New York NLP center. 

Laetitia is looking forward to visiting Yosemite National Park this summer. 

Laetita is certified with basic First Aid and CPR training.