Patty Kleiner

Forest Therapy Practitioner
Bucks County, PA

Patty has had a lifelong affinity for, and appreciation of, nature.  Whether sitting in or under trees and spending time outdoors growing up, or various adventures – hiking the Grand Canyon from rim to rim, spending hours among the California Redwoods, walking through many forests or just lying in the grass daydreaming, she feels at home outside.  

After experiencing just one Forest Bathing session, Patty immediately got certified as a Forest Therapy Practitioner, excited to share the healing properties of nature with others.  She feels that what makes this sharing even more rewarding is learning so much from others as well. 

Her hope is that the more people are exposed to nature, the more they will feel its value and the desire and responsibility to protect it, as the treasure it is.

Patty is certified with basic First Aid and CPR training.